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system scheduler中文是什么意思

用"system scheduler"造句"system scheduler"怎么读"system scheduler" in a sentence


  • 系统调度程序


  • An executable unit managed by an operating system scheduler
  • A program executes when the system scheduler gives execution control to one of the program s threads
  • It consists of a stack , the state of the cpu registers , and an entry in the execution list of the system scheduler
    它由堆栈、 cpu注册的状态和系统计划程序的执行列表中的项组成。
  • I just wanted to focus attention on the fact that an application is , at bottom , a selfish thread that grabs the cpu and tries to hold on until it exits and that the operating system scheduler acts like a playground monitor to make a bunch of selfish threads play well together
    我还向关注这样一个事实,实际上一个应用是:一个自私的线程攫取了cpu并且试图只要它存在就持续的(占用) ,而且操作系统时间表扮演一个运动场的监控器,它要让一串自私的线程共同良好的比赛。
  • Context switching occurs when the operating system scheduler replaces one process operating on a cpu with another process and is the result of a variety of factors , such as job or process priority , waiting for other resources like i o , if the process is using up all of its allocated cpu cycles time slice , and so on
    上下文切换是在操作系统调度程序用另一个进程替换cpu上正在运行的一个进程时发生的,而且是各种因素作用的结果,例如作业(或进程)优先级、是否等待其他资源(如i / o ) 、进程是否将用完所有分配给它的cpu周期(时间片)等。
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